FUNCTION GXGetBitmap(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxBitmap; VAR position: gxPoint): gxBitmapPtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetCurve(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxCurve): gxCurvePtr; C;
{ returns byte length of glyphs }
FUNCTION GXGetGlyphs(source: gxShape; VAR charCount: LONGINT; VAR text: UInt8; VAR positions: gxPoint; VAR advance: LONGINT; VAR tangents: gxPoint; VAR runCount: LONGINT; VAR styleRuns: INTEGER; VAR glyphStyles: gxStyle): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetLine(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxLine): gxLinePtr; C;
{ returns byte length }
FUNCTION GXGetPaths(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxPaths): LONGINT; C;
{ returns count }
FUNCTION GXGetPicture(source: gxShape; VAR shapes: gxShape; VAR styles: gxStyle; VAR inks: gxInk; VAR transforms: gxTransform): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetPoint(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxPoint): gxPointPtr; C;
{ returns byte length }
FUNCTION GXGetPolygons(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxPolygons): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetRectangle(source: gxShape; VAR data: gxRectangle): gxRectanglePtr; C;
{ returns byte length }
FUNCTION GXGetText(source: gxShape; VAR charCount: LONGINT; VAR text: UInt8; VAR position: gxPoint): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetColorProfileOwners(source: gxColorProfile): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetColorSetOwners(source: gxColorSet): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetInkOwners(source: gxInk): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeOwners(source: gxShape): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetStyleOwners(source: gxStyle): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetTagOwners(source: gxTag): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetTransformOwners(source: gxTransform): LONGINT; C;
PROCEDURE GXLockShape(target: gxShape); C;
PROCEDURE GXLockTag(target: gxTag); C;
PROCEDURE GXUnlockShape(target: gxShape); C;
PROCEDURE GXUnlockTag(target: gxTag); C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeStructure(source: gxShape; VAR length: LONGINT): Ptr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetTagStructure(source: gxTag; VAR length: LONGINT): Ptr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetColorDistance({CONST}VAR target: gxColor; {CONST}VAR source: gxColor): Fixed; C;
FUNCTION GXShapeLengthToPoint(target: gxShape; index: LONGINT; length: Fixed; VAR location: gxPoint; VAR tangent: gxPoint): gxPointPtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeArea(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; VAR area: wide): widePtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeCacheSize(source: gxShape): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeCenter(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; VAR center: gxPoint): gxPointPtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDirection(source: gxShape; contour: LONGINT): gxContourDirection; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeIndex(source: gxShape; contour: LONGINT; vector: LONGINT): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeLength(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; VAR length: wide): widePtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeSize(source: gxShape): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXCountShapeContours(source: gxShape): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXCountShapePoints(source: gxShape; contour: LONGINT): LONGINT; C;
{ returns the number of positions }
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDashPositions(source: gxShape; VAR dashMappings: gxMapping): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDeviceArea(source: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; device: gxViewDevice): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDeviceBounds(source: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; device: gxViewDevice; VAR bounds: gxRectangle): BOOLEAN; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDeviceColors(source: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; device: gxViewDevice; VAR width: LONGINT): gxColorSet; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeGlobalBounds(source: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; group: gxViewGroup; VAR bounds: gxRectangle): BOOLEAN; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeGlobalViewDevices(source: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; VAR list: gxViewDevice): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeGlobalViewPorts(source: gxShape; VAR list: gxViewPort): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeLocalBounds(source: gxShape; VAR bounds: gxRectangle): gxRectanglePtr; C;
{ returns the number of positions }
FUNCTION GXGetShapePatternPositions(source: gxShape; VAR positions: gxPoint): LONGINT; C;
PROCEDURE GXGetShapeLocalFontMetrics(sourceShape: gxShape; VAR before: gxPoint; VAR after: gxPoint; VAR caretAngle: gxPoint; VAR caretOffset: gxPoint); C;
PROCEDURE GXGetShapeDeviceFontMetrics(sourceShape: gxShape; port: gxViewPort; device: gxViewDevice; VAR before: gxPoint; VAR after: gxPoint; VAR caretAngle: gxPoint; VAR caretOffset: gxPoint); C;
FUNCTION GXGetViewGroupViewDevices(source: gxViewGroup; VAR list: gxViewDevice): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetViewGroupViewPorts(source: gxViewGroup; VAR list: gxViewPort): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetViewPortGlobalMapping(source: gxViewPort; VAR map: gxMapping): gxMappingPtr; C;
FUNCTION GXGetViewPortViewDevices(source: gxViewPort; VAR list: gxViewDevice): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXHitTestPicture(target: gxShape; {CONST}VAR test: gxPoint; VAR result: gxHitTestInfo; level: LONGINT; depth: LONGINT): gxShape; C;
FUNCTION GXGetHalftoneDeviceAngle(source: gxViewDevice; {CONST}VAR data: gxHalftone): Fixed; C;
FUNCTION GXGetColorSetParts(source: gxColorSet; index: LONGINT; count: LONGINT; VAR space: gxColorSpace; VAR data: gxSetColor): LONGINT; C;
{ returns the glyph count }
FUNCTION GXGetGlyphParts(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; charCount: LONGINT; VAR byteLength: LONGINT; VAR text: UInt8; VAR positions: gxPoint; VAR advanceBits: LONGINT; VAR tangents: gxPoint; VAR runCount: LONGINT; VAR styleRuns: INTEGER; VAR styles: gxStyle): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetPathParts(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; count: LONGINT; VAR data: gxPaths): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetPictureParts(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; count: LONGINT; VAR shapes: gxShape; VAR styles: gxStyle; VAR inks: gxInk; VAR transforms: gxTransform): LONGINT; C;
FUNCTION GXGetPolygonParts(source: gxShape; index: LONGINT; count: LONGINT; VAR data: gxPolygons): LONGINT; C;